Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Power of a Proper Thank You

Virtual Assistants, as I mentioned in one of my previous posts, are famous for being overachievers. We take the relationships we have built with our clients very seriously, and we constantly look to improve them even further. We are always asking ourselves, What can I do that is more than what my client is expecting?

We know that those little extras that take just a few minutes of our time can make all the difference. They show our clients that we care- and that we are willing to go above and beyond in the name of service. We want them to know and feel that we are genuinely concerned with their success.

While it is great that most of us VAs approach our assignments that way, I think we need to remember to take time to focus on some of the basics of a client-VA relationship as well- most importantly, thanking our clients for their patronage. I know we all note something down toward the bottom of our invoices, but is that really a thank you?

Do you remember the last time you did business with someone and they sent you a thank you note or card? I'm not talking about an email. I am referring to a tangible paper product sent to your physical address that bears that professional's personal words of appreciation for your business.

These days, it is a practice that is often overlooked. There was once a time when people were insulted if they didn't receive a thank you note after for doing business with certain companies or professionals. Now, it seems we are flattered to receive any attention at all after the sale.

Sending your client a thank you note is a great way to continue to build raport with them. It says I am grateful that you chose me to provide the services that are important to you and your business. I know you had other options and I genuinely appreciate this opportunity. It is well worth the little bit of time that it takes. In my opinion, it is one of the most sincere gestures that you can make.

Some things never change, even when you work virtually.

1 comment:

Tishia said...

Wow! What a great idea! I had never even considered doing anything like this before but now I know it is a MUST! How cool it will be for my clients to open their mail box only to find a thank you card from me. It excites me and I can't wait to go to the store tomorrow and buy a pack of thank you notes! Great tip! Thanks for sharing!