Saturday, February 11, 2006

Virtually Saving the Day

So many small business owners and entrepreneurs tell me the same thing over and over- they wish they had more time. The day is just too short to accomplish all their goals. They are often surprised to hear that they don't need more time, but better use of their time.

A VIRTUAL ASSISTANT is the answer they never knew existed. A Virtual Assistant is an independent contractor, someone who runs their own business, who can provide the services they need. They are experts in their field and provide incredible value to their clients. They work from their own office, saving you office space and money.

By delegating the time-draining administrative tasks that don't require their specialized knowledge the way the rest of their business does, they are free to use their time more effectively to accomplish those goals and enjoy new milestones in their businesses and careers. They often report that they are able to get more done than they ever have before, and in less time.

It is like having their own administrative assistant on call. Virtual Assistants offer their services on as-needed basis. Clients pay only for the time worked, either hourly or flat fee. If clients feel that they will need assistance more regularly, a retainer option is usually offered by most Virtual Assistants.

By the time they factor in all that they have to pay for with traditional employee in ADDITION to their wages (payroll taxes, health insurance, dental benefits, PTO, sick leave, coffee breaks, office space and equipment allocation, training cost, etc.) they often find that a Virtual Assistant can be much more cost effective.

With their "newfound" time, clients are able to concentrate on the core functions of their business, using their expert knowledge where it counts. They no longer have to work more hours to accomplish their goals because they have learned to delegate and use their own time in the most effective manner. It could be said that Virtual Assistants virtually save the day- or at least several hours of it.